A real natural stone soaking bathtub in the bedroom. 

A genuine stone soaking bathtub in the bedroom.

Trends are changing. From ideas of a bathtub only in the bathroom, designs are beginning to evolve toward convenience and bringing nature into new places. Increasingly, an additional bathtub is beginning to appear in the bedroom. Why? Customers answer, because convenient, because interesting, because it changes the atmosphere of the bedroom.

Natural Stone Bathtub - Bedroom


Until now, we have been used to having our river stone bathtubs installed in bathrooms, spas or gardens. This time we received photos from customers who installed their huge bathtub (length of more than 240 cm) in the bedroom, opposite the bed. They gained something special, a natural boulder of stone with irregular shapes catches the eye more than a TV, is addictive and introduces something unique to the interior, which can not be duplicated. This is how a private spa was created in one’s own apartment. Enjoying a bath with the touch of natural rock and atmospheric interior gives a feeling of deep relaxation, relaxation whether it is evening or morning.

How to install such a stone bathtub in the bedroom?

In this case, the installation of the bathtub, despite the fact that the bedroom is on the first level, was very simple. An HDS-type car jack was used, which with its boom inserted the bathtub through the balcony window into the bedroom. In other cases, customers used forklifts, pallet trucks or simply moving companies, which, using belts and 9-10 workers, brought and set up such a bathtub in the designed place.

Stone Bathtub Instalation

Stone Bathtub Instalation

Stone Bathtub Instalation

Stone Bathtub Instalation

Stone Bathtub Instalation

TOP 3 perks of a natural stone bath tub in a private spa.

Advantage 1 Temperature. Natural stone easily absorbs temperature and gives it back for a very long time. In hot weather, filling the tub with very cold water will make relaxation and cooling of the body a pleasure that can not be replaced by air conditioning, and the body will certainly thank us for it. This combination is probably most often used in river stone tubs inserted from the garden. On hot days they replace swimming pools and soaking in the cool water outside is comparable only to a mountain stream.
On the other hand, when cold days come and we crave warmth, pouring hot water into such a tub is comparable to heated massage stones. They stay warm for several more hours after heating.

Natural Stone Bathtub - Bedroom

Advantage 2. The naturalness of the stone in contact with human skin can be felt. Each person perceives this feeling in a different way, but for everyone the touch of the stone is very pleasant. This affects the feeling of our relaxation, comfort and pleasure.

Natural Stone Bathtub - Bedroom

Advantage 3. unique bedroom interior and furnishings that will stay forever. There is probably no interior where once inserted natural stone succumbs to the pressure of time. Stone is so addictive that it stays forever. Furniture, floors or walls are changed but the bathtub or sink made of natural stone already remains.

Natural Stone Bathtub - Bedroom

If you are looking for stone bathtub or basins in other sizes – contact us. We produce everything to order, tailored to the customer’s needs and expectations. You can also consider an onyx bathtub for your bedroom. Onyx can be illuminated, giving you a unique atmosphere and atmosphere.


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